Wednesday, June 07, 2006

I Want To See Your Green Card

I hear from people that we should be allowed to ask "them" for their green cards. After pondering just who are the them in question, I ask, "And how would we know the cards were valid?" I mean, let's face it, many government places out there can't tell fake from valid IDs so what makes Joe SixPack think he can ferret out validity any better than Uncle Sam? And then I ponder, just WHO would we be asking this green-card showing from, anyway? People with accents? Different colored skin? Different clothing? Different houses of worship? Anyone who doesn't look like Barbie or Ken? Because, really, how in the heck would one tell *an illegal* from a legal, anyway? (Sidenote - - "Illegal" is so depersonalizing - - these are PEOPLE, not criminals, and if you, the reader, have ever had a speeding ticket or california'd-stopped your way through a stop sign, then you have BROKEN LAWS just like they have so shut the heck up with your self-righteous barking about THEM breaking laws, you lawbreaker).... And furthermore, what *kills* me, is how many clamoring the loudest profess to be "good Christians".... I got news for you, Jesus didn't "turn in" the prostitutes and lawbreakers in HIS time, he sat down to eat with them. Asking to see papers proving "worthiness" or "legal status" to be in this country is pretty un-Christ-like to me. I have a suggestion for would-be status checkers: Next time, buy the differently dressed/accented/religious house of worship person breakfast instead of asking about their status. And turn RUSH off - - he is brain cancer. Honestly, his bad ideas eat away your brain cells worse than the most malignant cancer out there. SO, where is YOUR passport, anyway? I think I want to check it....


Blogger beepbeepitsme said...

Would You Give This Man A Green Card?

6:24 AM  

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