Don't Try To Use Frequent Air Miles Now!
Did you see that Americans, caught while vacationing in Lebanon, will be charged Commercial Rates for the privilege of being air-lifted out of that country to Cyprus and routed back to the mainland? No free lunch here, Jack - - you are in trouble there, you pay Full Freight to get your ass back to Stateside! It doesn't matter if you are there on vacation or in school or on a personal journey - - if you want to get away from the bombs and missiles, you'd better be prepared to pay or sign a Promissary Note for repayment because Uncle Sam is a bit ummmm "extended" right now and can't jerk your butt back to Kansas or Arizona unless you pay the cost. Now, while *I* find this wrong, what I really mean to bring to light is how EVEN IF YOU HAVE THE CASH AT THE READY, demand far exceeds supply, so your ass may sit there dodging missiles for a few days while the Admin figure out how to coax Commercial flights to veer off course to pick up the THOUSANDS OF CITIZENS currently stuck in the land of the bombs.... Yes, you can pay to get out of there but it seems you may have quite a wait until available seating is arranged.... In the meantime, I guess, you just hunker down. For people who don't have the ready cash, Uncle Sam is willing to fly you home if you promise to pay the Commercial Rate - - Seems our coffers are a bit extended after paying today's (and yesterday's and tomorrow's) Iraq costs while giving tax breaks to those whose kids' will never be in reach of missiles from any source.... So don't try to cash in your air miles now as Uncle Sam wants greenbacks.