Friday, October 02, 2009

Free Polanski? Really?

"Some of the industry’s most prominent women said they believe Polanski, who faces a sentence as low as probation and as high as 16 months in prison for pleading guilty to having sex with a minor, should be freed. “My personal thoughts are let the guy go,” said Peg Yorkin, founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation. “It’s bad a person was raped. But that was so many years ago. The guy has been through so much in his life. It’s crazy to arrest him now. Let it go. The government could spend its money on other things.”–The Los Angeles Times, October 1, 2009 "


My, my, my. The founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation seems to have lost her freakin' marbles. "Let the guy go"? "A person was raped"? "So many years ago"? "He has been through so much"? "The government could spend its money on other things"? The only thing she didn't invoke was the 'he makes pretty movies' line.

'Let the guy go" -- Roman pleaded guilty. It isn't a question of his guilt or his innocence - - he admitted to raping a 13 year old child that he drugged and sodomized- - this is now only a question about whether it is okay to expect him to actually deign to get sentenced. He needs to face the same consequences any other child rapist would face - - 'letting him go' is usually not an option.

"A person was raped" - - Hello, how much farther can one move to dehumanize this situation and make it sound like something else? It wasn't a 'person', it was a child - - a 13 year child - - who said no and asked to go home - - a child - - but now if we call her some faceless ageless 'person' we can skip over the fact that she wasn't even in high school yet. Peg, she was a child. And children shouldn't be raped. Ever.

"So many years ago" - - Are you kidding me? Does that mean we should just stop pressing charges after a certain time if people have the resources to skip the country and don't come back on their own? If you go fugitive, you go free? That would be a handy slogan for keeping crime down in the USA....

"He has been through so much" - - Yes, like half the current population in prison probably has their own share of hardship in their lives but we still expect them to do their sentence; those poor souls didn't have the chance to jet out of the country and spend 30 years making films on the beach...

"The government could spend its money on other things" - - Oh, I dunno, Peg, like what? Catching other child rapists?

This whole thing makes my blood boil. I don't expect much from the vapid airheads that are actors in Hollywood but I *do* expect the founder of the Feminist Majority Foundation to somehow say things that promote the Feminist viewpoint, which is usually a viewpoint that has heavy words for men who treat women as objects (and usually is first in line to speak out against things like raping little girls). That a Sister would be so quick to backpeddle away from something as cut and dried as raping a child makes me want to cry.

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Blogger preTzel said...

I seriously think that the woman you are talking about needs to be raped by someone famous. Then we won't prosecute that person because, hey, they've been through so much and she's an ADULT and could have prevented it.

Anyone could make a case NOT to prosecute a rapist. Anyone. Doesn't make it okay. Doesn't make it right.

Just because he is a famous movie dude doesn't make it okay to excuse his disgusting criminal activity. Even if his wife and child were murdered.

6:10 PM  

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